Cover Crop Field Day

Wednesday, February 22nd | 8:30 am 8:30 am: Registration 9:00 am: program 10:30 am: tour field plots CCA Credits: 1.5 Soil and Water Management Credits Pending   Program topics include: Weed Management and Winter Cover Crops Estimated Costs for Managing a Winter Cover Crop in an Annual Rotation Soil Health and Conservation Incentives Programs On-farm […]

Full Belly Farm

Full Belly Farm is a certified organic farm located in the beautiful Capay Valley of northern California. We are committed to fostering sustainability on all levels, from fertility in our soil and care for the environment, to stable employment for our farm workers. We strive to be good stewards of this farm, so that this […]

Park Farming Organics

Park Farming was founded in 1980 with processing tomatoes as the main crop. Through time the company perspective on farming shifted toward a more environmentally sensitive attitude, culminating in the transition to organic acreage in 1992. The change in company practices included more thoughtful crop rotation, extensive use of cover crops, gentler tillage methods, and […]

Phil Foster Ranches

Phil and Katherine Foster farm 295 acres of C.C.O.F. certified organic fruit and vegetables on two ranches near San Juan Bautista and Hollister, California.  We have a diverse range of crops, marketing up to 60 produce items at the peak of the season.  We sell at the farm on Saturdays, at farmers markets, through local retail stores, local wholesalers, and several national […]

Braga Fresh

For three generations the Braga family has been a constant in the agricultural industry, farming from the Salinas Valley to Yuma, Arizona. Well-known by shippers, processors, and now retailers, Braga Fresh is synonymous with high quality organic and conventional fresh vegetables and salads. A vertically integrated company, we continue to mix innovation with tradition to […]

Santa Cruz Permaculture Farm

Coastal regenerative permaculture farm. As of April 2022 we are stewards of a beautiful 26-acre farm near Davenport, CA. The land has been managed organically for the past 30 years and now we are transitioning to a regenerative, organic, no-till, mixed vegetable, flower, fruit, herb, and agroforestry farm with a strong emphasis on education. Our […]