Park Farming Organics
Park Farming was founded in 1980 with processing tomatoes as the main crop. Through time the company perspective on farming shifted toward a more environmentally sensitive attitude, culminating in the transition to organic acreage in 1992. The change in company practices included more thoughtful crop rotation, extensive use of cover crops, gentler tillage methods, and […]
Be Love Farms
We are developing a model of a diverse food production system, believing variety to be more resilient to world and climate unrest and more fun. We produce dozens of different foods from Asparagus to Zinfandel. Thus we are jacks of many trades and masters of none. While some of our fruits and veggies end up […]
EcoFarm 2023 Central Coast Farm & Ranches Bus Tour
California’s Central Coast is unique for its foggy summers, sunny springs and falls, mild wet winters, and a wide range of crops suited to the climate and fertile soils. This annual EcoFarm bus tour is a unique experience to learn from farmers and ranchers leaders leading innovative operations. Join us on this full-day tour to […]