Promoting Livestock Integration and Pollinator Habitat in Vineyards
Cultivating Biodiversity, Soil Health, and Community in North Coast Vineyards
Triple F Ranch Field Day
Yagi Sisters Farm
Yagi Sisters Farm is a small-scale vegetable and herb farm in Sebastopol, CA that centers ecology, diversity, and localization in serving our community. We like to remember our roots, serve roots (on a plate and in tending), and root for others who are in aligned missions of care, quality and community well being.
Santa Cruz Permaculture
As of April 2022 we are stewards of a beautiful 26-acre farm, which lies on the unceded territory of the Quiroste people, near Davenport, CA. The land has been managed organically for the past 30 years and now we are transitioning to a regenerative, organic, no-till, mixed vegetable, flower, fruit, herb, and agroforestry farm with […]
Benefits and Market Opportunities of Integrated Organic Rice & Duck Farming
Come join a free in-person CAFF field day hosted by Christopher Lopes of Lopes Family Farms in Princeton, CA to learn more about the benefits of integrated organic rice and duck farming. Lopes Family Farms is a father & son partnership formed by Bruce and Christopher Lopes. This is the first integrated rice and duck […]
Braga Fresh
For three generations the Braga family has been a constant in the agricultural industry, farming from the Salinas Valley to Yuma, Arizona. Well-known by shippers, processors, and now retailers, Braga Fresh is synonymous with high quality organic and conventional fresh vegetables and salads. A vertically integrated company, we continue to mix innovation with tradition to […]
Be Love Farms
We are developing a model of a diverse food production system, believing variety to be more resilient to world and climate unrest and more fun. We produce dozens of different foods from Asparagus to Zinfandel. Thus we are jacks of many trades and masters of none. While some of our fruits and veggies end up […]
We have been practicing Biodynamic methods since 2014 and received our Demeter Biodynamic® certification in 2017. We believe that working with nature is far more productive and efficient in producing grapes with exceptional characteristics.
EcoFarm Conference 2023
Join us for four days of community and connection at the oldest and largest sustainable farming conference in the West. Featuring over 60 skill-building workshops in English and Spanish, keynotes, pre-conference events, farm tours, seed swaps, tastings, networking, and the EcoFarm Expo.