Yagi Sisters Farm

Yagi Sisters Farm is a small-scale vegetable and herb farm in Sebastopol, CA that centers ecology, diversity, and localization in serving our community. We like to remember our roots, serve roots (on a plate and in tending), and root for others who are in aligned missions of care, quality and community well being.

Santa Cruz Permaculture

As of April 2022 we are stewards of a beautiful 26-acre farm, which lies on the unceded territory of the Quiroste people, near Davenport, CA. The land has been managed organically for the past 30 years and now we are transitioning to a regenerative, organic, no-till, mixed vegetable, flower, fruit, herb, and agroforestry farm with […]

USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center (CAPMC)

Our main focus is to develop plant technology for addressing resource concerns, which in California include; soil health, water-use efficiency for water quality and quantity, air quality, wildlife habitat and land restoration. The CAPMC has developed and maintains conservation plant releases, which include native and non-native releases with application for range and pasture enhancement, cover […]