Yagi Sisters Farm
Yagi Sisters Farm is a small-scale vegetable and herb farm in Sebastopol, CA that centers ecology, diversity, and localization in serving our community. We like to remember our roots, serve roots (on a plate and in tending), and root for others who are in aligned missions of care, quality and community well being.
Santa Cruz Permaculture
As of April 2022 we are stewards of a beautiful 26-acre farm, which lies on the unceded territory of the Quiroste people, near Davenport, CA. The land has been managed organically for the past 30 years and now we are transitioning to a regenerative, organic, no-till, mixed vegetable, flower, fruit, herb, and agroforestry farm with […]
Summer Cover Crop Field Day in Coachella Valley
Braga Fresh
For three generations the Braga family has been a constant in the agricultural industry, farming from the Salinas Valley to Yuma, Arizona. Well-known by shippers, processors, and now retailers, Braga Fresh is synonymous with high quality organic and conventional fresh vegetables and salads. A vertically integrated company, we continue to mix innovation with tradition to […]
EcoFarm To Till or Not to Till: That is the Question
Reducing tillage, which has tended to rely on synthetic herbicides, has long been unattainable on organic farms. Recent research, however, is changing the conversation. Featured speaker Dwayne Beck is a celebrated pioneer in no-till systems development for both irrigated and drylands in central South Dakota. Dwayne will speak on the soil nutrient cycling’s relationship to […]
EcoFarm 2023 Central Coast Farm & Ranches Bus Tour
California’s Central Coast is unique for its foggy summers, sunny springs and falls, mild wet winters, and a wide range of crops suited to the climate and fertile soils. This annual EcoFarm bus tour is a unique experience to learn from farmers and ranchers leaders leading innovative operations. Join us on this full-day tour to […]
CalCAN Summit 2022: Recap of Farm Tours
Naumann Family Farms
Naumann Family Farms is implementing conservation practices including drip irrigation, conservation tillage, crop rotations, cover crops, and soil analysis.
Sustainable Nutrient Management & Soil Health Field Day
Climate smart nutrient management for cool season vegetable crop production Co-composted biochar application in intensive vegetable rotations: on-farm trial review Latest developments in measuring soil health: the 4 most responsive indicators Healthy soil incentives and Ag Order 4.0 requirements Avenues for improving N cycling in vegetable production In-field soil health assessment and compost spreader calibration