Chamberlain Ranch

Photo of Chamberlain Ranch
In 1929 Theodore Chamberlin purchased 8000 acres of the mexican land grant, Rancho Corral de Quati. His wife Ailie named their ranch Rancho Los Potreros, reflecting the vast open cattle pastures. Specializing in registered Polled Herefords, Ted and Ailie raised their 5 children while successfully building the business that is intrinsically tied to the ranching history and community of California’s Central Coast. Today the second, third and fourth generations continue the family legacy through sustainable ranching methods and land stewardship—while opening this majestic landscape to film locations.
Region: Central Coast
Production Systems: Pasture, Rangeland
Crops/products: Cattle Beef Cow Breeding
Conservation Practices: Adaptive Multi-Paddock Grazing, Carbon Farming, Compost Application, Compost Purchased From a Certified Facility, Hedgerow Planting
General Soil Types: Loamy, Rocky, Shallow


Molly Taylor
Technical Assistant
Networks/Hubs: CDFA Healthy Soils Demonstration Project, Savory Network