California Climate & Agriculture Summit – Farm Tour and Conference

Sunday, November 13 Farm Tours: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM (approximate times) You will tour three farms in the Davis/Woodland region that showcase projects and practices for wildfire and drought resilience, soil health and farm viability. Includes lunch and bus transportation. Detailed instructions will be provided to registered attendees. Center for Land-Based Learning: Learn about the […]

Desert Farming Initiative Monthly Tours

Please register to attend at the event link! We at the Desert Farming Initiative love sharing the farm with our community. We offer monthly tours on the last Thursday of each month (generally 12pm – 1pm). On the tour we’ll look at DFI’s nursery, fields, hoop houses, and packing house and discuss DFI’s numerous programs. […]

Livestock-Integrated Cropping Systems Symposium

We hope you can join this interactive learning opportunity for orchard, vineyard, and livestock producers, as well as extension advisor, researchers, and more. The day will include presentations and hands-on learning workshops guided by experts! Questions or suggestions? Contact UCANR Crop-Livestock Integration Intern, Paulina Binsfeld