Ferrington Vineyard

Ferrington Vineyard is located on 167 acres in the Anderson Valley, in Boonville, CA. The property is a little more than half valley floor. Steep, oak-grassland hills comprise 63 acres of the property and host a herd of 40 ewe sheep. About 76 acres of the property are planted to vineyards.

Chorro Creek Ranch

On Cal Poly’s Chorro Ranch, near Cuesta Community College in San Luis Obispo, California, an HSP Demonstration experiment was applied on a 10-acre hayfield. The experiment, launched in October of 2020, assesses the impact of compost application along with reduced tillage practices on soil health, yield, and forage quality on a field with cropley clay […]

Paulo Farms at StopWaste

Paulo Farms is a commercial beef cattle operation. It is family-owned and has been operating for over 30 years. StopWaste is a public agency that helps Alameda County’s businesses, residents, and schools waste less, recycle properly, and use water, energy, and other resources efficiently.

Ross Ranch

Ross Ranch is an 860-acre working ranch located just on the outskirts of Redding, CA. The ranch primarily consists of blue oak woodland, open grassland, and a handful of seasonal emergent wetlands and is permanently protected from development by a conservation easement. The ranch is used as a “learning laboratory” to test and implement regenerative […]

Chamberlain Ranch

In 1929 Theodore Chamberlin purchased 8000 acres of the mexican land grant, Rancho Corral de Quati. His wife Ailie named their ranch Rancho Los Potreros, reflecting the vast open cattle pastures. Specializing in registered Polled Herefords, Ted and Ailie raised their 5 children while successfully building the business that is intrinsically tied to the ranching […]

EcoFarm 2023 Central Coast Farm & Ranches Bus Tour

California’s Central Coast is unique for its foggy summers, sunny springs and falls, mild wet winters, and a wide range of crops suited to the climate and fertile soils. This annual EcoFarm bus tour is a unique experience to learn from farmers and ranchers leaders leading innovative operations. Join us on this full-day tour to […]

Livestock-Integrated Cropping Systems Symposium

We hope you can join this interactive learning opportunity for orchard, vineyard, and livestock producers, as well as extension advisor, researchers, and more. The day will include presentations and hands-on learning workshops guided by experts! Questions or suggestions? Contact UCANR Crop-Livestock Integration Intern, Paulina Binsfeld