Train-the-Trainer Workshop: CropManage Software & Future Outlook
Cover Crop Field Day
Interactions Between Cover Cropping and Integrated Grazing in Walnuts
Grazing in Orchards Field Day and Monitoring Training
OBC Almond Growers Field Day
Biologically Integrated Farming Systems: Whole Orchard Nutrient Cycling and On-Farm Composting
BIOS: Sanitation, Pruning, And Nematode Management in Walnuts (IN-PERSON EVENT)
Cover Crop and Compost Workshop in Ceres, CA
BIOS: Sanitation, Pruning, and Nematode Management in Walnuts
Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) invites you to a free, in-person event in Linden, CA. We will discuss orchard sanitation, pruning, and nematode management. Farmer James Chinchiolo will demonstrate his custom mower prototype that includes a blower, flail mower, and weed sprayer attachment that combines orchard floor sanitation and weed management in one pass. This will […]
On-Farm Recharge Workshop
Madera Irrigation District is hosting an in-person workshop on Thursday, January 19th, at their office located at 12152 Road 28 ¼, Madera, CA 93637. The workshop will cover on-farm recharge, and there will be a Q&A session at the end. Stop by any time from 9-10:30 to learn more get your questions answered!